quarta-feira, outubro 14

Unknown Land

Meu primeiro post em inglês, não revisei e achei o inglês infantil.. mas postei mesmo assim! Críticas de todos as espécies são aceitas!

“Mom, Dad, where are you?”
“We are here darling, don’t care about it!”
“Why can’t I see your face, Dad?”
“Take it easy honey, things will work well…”
“Mom, I need a hug, a bone breaking one, I’m in fear… Give me your hand?”
(Scared face)
“Best friend, are you here?”
"Yes, forever with you…"
"Really thanks! But why can’t I see your eyes? Where are you? My heart is getting into pieces… Come here and helps me build it up again…"

"Love, it’s wonderful to hear your voice, I’m so lonely! But I will live again; can you tell me some sweet words?"


The sky was getting darker every second. Sun was gone a long time ago. She tried to look for stars hoping it could bring some light for her, but celestial was closed for her. She felts her soul dividing itself… escaping from inside her. The pieces of heart were dispersed on the floor… She was in pain. After the top, the falling can cause some injures. No one else was there. No one else was felling her pain. She was still calling someone, but she could do it forever. Nothing Happens. Things were transformed from now on. Although everyone had promised the eternity for her, almost nobody has efforts against the natural way of life: changing…

She was completely immersed on this strange land. Roses need water and sun to maintain themselves alive, colorful and beautiful. Nor even the smallest bug of universe can stand alone… Her soul was a desirer, but it didn’t know what piece was missing…

At land, everything goes, even roses become only dust one day…
Sun is the forever one…It was always with her…

“Darling, I love you so much. Don’t be afraid. I will be forever with you. I give you my hand and a hug. Listen to my sweet words. I have a new heart for you”

4 comentários:

  1. Noossaa..
    parabéns pelo seu primeiro post em inglês! :D
    eu viagei mtttttttt lendo seu texto... auhauha... pensei que o eu lirico tava perdido... depois achei que tava morto... depois achei que ele nao existia.. q era uma representação de algo...
    enfim.. não me decidi com qual ficar ainda.. uahauhauhaha
    belo post menina!

  2. Erro monstro meu: VIAJEI!! eh com J... uahauhaha..
    Culpa da internet que permeia a minha cabeça com ignorância.

  3. Nossa, adorei! Emocionante!
    Depois da uma olhadinha no meu blog, que eu criei um dia desses. http://darkriverss.blogspot.com/

  4. "even roses become only dust one day…
    Sun is the forever one…It was always with her…"
    Wow this part here is poetic and strong, it really made me shudder.

    Altoguether I'd say the text has a meaning: hope.
