- I’m too tired Dad, live me alone! I need to rest; I need to be by myself! Please… I call you later…
- But my dear… you are almost there, don’t give up that easily… Just another try… I promise you’ll get it!
- NO! I don’t want to see this again… Leave me! NOW!
- Why don’t parents understand you? Why don’t they let you grow up in your own way? Don’t they know how suffocating can be all that caring? I’m really tired of all that stuff… I want to be away of everything for some time …
Love you child! Don’t forget to come back home I’m waiting for you!
Liana how cute you are! How about go out with me?
Of course I do!
Liana! Stop being so prissy! Come on, let’s have some fun!
Of course I do!
Liana, come here! I have some special material gifts for your!
Of course I do!
Oh Liana! Don’t think so much! You are tôo much pretty to waste time with your mind!
Of course I do!
The beauty was gone, nothing is fun anymore, my presents are broken… So, who am I? What do I have in essence?
“I just have you Dad, please, come back to my heart. I give you my beauty, my mind and mu soul! You are the only one I really want to live for…”